Welcome to our site!

We, at Sniff Me Out, wanted a unified database for pets with microchips which will be accessible to everyone. So after testing the market for the past 6 years, we came up with this web application for everyone.

Registering your pet on our website is free. We want to make this website accessible to everyone in case of emergencies like losing a pet.

Microchip doesn't provide geo-location. But if your pet is lost and found in another area and is scanned by a vet, the microchip number can be extracted and searched in our database.

We charge for accessing your details in such cases so that the person can reunite you with your pet. That way your details are held with us and only shared in case of an emergency.

Microchip database maintenance is not a new concept but Mr. Chetan Vengurlekar conceptualized it for Indian demographics. With his vision of a centralized database for Indians, Sniff Me Out was created.

We would like all our users to take maximum advantage of this and create a unified database for microchipped pets.